⚫️ @HayekAndKeynes
Life is much more like poker than chess
Intelligence matters & statistics matter in the long run, but from day to day it is often uncertainty, imperfect knowledge, bluffing & good fortune which determine outcomes; not long term strategy. Evaluate successes/failures accordingly.
"#Climatechange is so severe that it’s an actual question about survival as a well functioning global society”. The views of #JeremyGrantham are always interesting to read. http://www.barrons.com/articles/jeremy-grantham-is-worried-about-the-world-1507347756 …
Raj Thamotheram @RajThamotheram
1) Nice piece about #JeremyGrantham https://buff.ly/2x4cu2b Indeed, investors would be brain dead to ignore #cleanenergy now!

ValueWalk @valuewalk
Watch Jeremy Grantham's 'Race of Our Lives' Speech : At the 2018 Morningstar Conference this month, Grantham gave an insightful presentation about climate #Change.
Q1 hedge fund... - #JeremyGrantham
we're working to harness capitalism for the greater good. join us! "Capitalism is killing the planet and needs to change, says investor Jeremy Grantham" https://buff.ly/2JHSc1qCapitalism … #socent #bcorps #neigborhoodsolarequity #jeremygrantham #GMOClimateChangeFund #climatechange
SLoFIG Chicago @SLoFIGChi
Main Value @Main_Value
Two of the finest investors of all time, #WarrenBuffett and #JeremyGrantham, are pointing out that today’s low interest rates justify the prices of the average #S&P500 #stock.

Fast News
Trump-Putin summit to unfold in Helsinki on July 16
Expectations for the summit are low.
28 June 2018 21:12

Lance Roberts @LanceRoberts
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