“The task of an activist is not to navigate systems of oppressive power with as much personal integrity as possible; it is to dismantle those systems.”
- Lierre Keith
"When we destroy something created by humans, we call it vandalism. When we destroy something created by nature, we call it progress."
- Ed Begley, Jr.
“The less I needed, the better I felt.”
- Charles Bukowski
“The forest is a peculiar organism of unlimited kindness and benevolence that makes no demands for its sustenance and extends generously the products of its life activity; it provides protection to all beings, offering shade even to the axeman who destroys it.”
— Gautama Buddha
April 20, 2015
Indignation and Solace
You shouldn't mess with Mother Nature.
Mother Nature, and therefore all of life on earth, is in peril. Like many people, I am pissed off.
Many people are knowledgeable and aware of the ongoing mistreatment of the Earth. Some of those that are highly sensitive to this mistreatment "tremble with indignation at every injustice". One can only do so much trembling before balance needs to be restored.
The group Psychologists for Social Responsibility say,
Millions of people are likely to exhibit some of the following symptoms in response to climate change’s stressors:
Post-traumatic stress
Interpersonal conflict and societal conflict
Family stress
Persistent grief
Child behavioral and developmental problems and academic decline
Eco-anxiety, hopelessness, and avoidance from the awareness of climate change
Add the collapse of the Pacific Ocean, GMOs, chemical poisons like Monsanto's glyphosate, and increased levels of nuclear radiation and the situation becomes even more dire. How do we seek solace from this onslaught and move from indignation to a calm healthy state of mind?
Far from wanting to harsh anyones buzz, as a student of psychology, I believe it is important to be aware of the potential harms to our mental health as we work toward a more sane planet. The pyschologist's organization quoted above has a general suggestion that won't be popular with the people pushing infinite growth:
"Clearly, if we are to deter the psychological -- much less physical and planetary -- harm that climate change portends, strong, quick action is needed now to implement energy and consumption alternatives that prevent this risk to our collective psychological well-being."In other words, one way of dealing with the harms of a deteriorating planet, and our reaction to them, is to shift from energy and consumption excess towards lifestyles that are wise to the limits and potential of natural systems.
Taking action may be the most important way to assuage the mental madness, but thankfully it is not the only way. Doing things to take your mind off of the state of things can go a long way to calming the demons of environmental dread.
Some of the ways my sweety and I use to scrub our minds of detrimental detritus are:
Relationships - with each other, friends and family.
Music - ahh, if it can calm a savage soul it can heal a gentle one.
Cooking and Baking - we love to make our own food from scratch.
Nature - how can you think of anything else when watching a bird soar, or a tree leaf out in the Spring?
Gardening - nurturing a garden is good green therapy, plus you get clean food.
How do you maintain your mental health in trying times?
Source: http://notbuyinganything.blogspot.ca/
Tree-related Links
"A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on.
programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death." - Martin Luther King, Jr
Earth Does Not Belong To Us
We offer these principles as a gift to all who seek to build a sustainable world community.
We heal ourselves, our Relationships and our World
The process of healing and development unfolds from within each person, relationship1
family, community or nation.
Vision(link to picture)
A vision of who we can become is like a magnet drawing us to our potential. Where there is
no vision, there can be no development.
Culturally Based
Healing and development must be rooted in the wisdom, knowledge and living processes of our cultures.
Because everything is connected to everything else, any aspect of our healing and development is related to all the others (personal, social, cultural, political, economic, etc.). When we work on any part, the whole circle is affected.
Working at one level without attending to the other is not enough. Personal and social development as well as top-down and bottom-up approaches must be balanced.
We need the love, support, and caring of other to heal and develop ourselves. Unity is the starting point for development, and as development unfolds, unity deepens.
People have to be actively engaged in the process of their own heahiig and development. Without participation, there can be no development.
Every person must be treated with respect as a human being and a child of the Creator, regardless of gender, race, culture, religion or any other reason. Everyone should be accorded the opportunity to fully participate in the processes of healing and development, and to receive a share of the benefits.
Spirituality is at the centre of healing and development. Connection with the Creator brings life, unity, love and purpose to the process, and is expressed through a heart-centred approach to all that we do.
Harmonizing With Natural Law
Growth is a process of uncovering who we truly are as human beings in harmony with the natural laws of the Universe.
Walking In Balance
Codes of morality, ethics and protocol teach us how to walk the road of life in a good way. Violating moral and ethical boundaries destroy the process of healing and development.
Working From Principle
Our plans and actions are founded on our deepest understanding of the principles that describe how the uiuverse is ordered and how healing and development unfold.
Learning to live in ways that promote life and health is the essence of our development. Our primary strategy is therefore the promotion of this type of learning.
When we take actions to improve our lives or the lives of others, it is critical to avoid undermining the natural systems upon which all life depends and to work in ways that enhance the capacity of people to continue in the path of their own healing and development.
Move To The Positive
Solving the critical problems in our lives and communities is best approached by visuaii~g and moving into the positive alternative that we wish to create, and building on the strength we already have, rather than giving away our energy fighting the negative.
Be The Change You Want To See
In all of our actions, we seek to be living examples of the changes we wish to see in the world. By walking the path, we make the path visible.
Link: http://notbuyinganything.blogspot.ca/
Other: http://vancouverislandbigtrees.blogspot.ca/2010/12/arbutus-canadas-only-native-broad.html